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Department management

Position E-mail Tel.
+420 220 44
Rajchl (ořez 215*215px) Assoc. Prof. Aleš Rajchl, MSc, PhD

Head of the Department




šířka 215px  Zdeňka Urbančíková, MSc Department secretary and economist email 3002  B268

Updated: 23.10.2023 16:37, Author: Lukáš Vápenka

University of Chemistry and Technology
Technická 3
166 28 Prague 6 - Dejvice

The University is situated in the northwest direction of metro station Dejvická, near Vítězné náměstí in Prague 6.

The University occupies three buildings in Dejvice (see the map):
Building A - Technická 5
Building B - Technická 3 (Department of Food Preservation)
Building C - Studentská 6
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