- Secondary chemical school (1969 - 1973)
- Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (1973 - 1978)
- Phd. course of Institute of Chemical Technology (1980 - 1983) ; Phd. thesis "Technologická funkce modifikovaných škrobů v pekárenském průmyslu"
- 1978 - 1980 - Čakovice sugar factory
- 1980 - 1983 - Ph.D. student of the Department of Sugar technology
- 1983 - 1990 - Assistant scientific officer on the Depatament of Chemistry and Technology of Saccharides.
focus of activity: Applying of analytical methods (GLC, HPLC, kapillary izotachoforesis/electroforesis, FIA, enzymatic methods) in the analysis of saccharides, feedings and foods
- 1990 - 1995 - assistant professor - the lectures of the Feedings technology, seminars on the theme of Technology processes modelling, departament laboratories
- 1996 - 1997 - SPOFA, a.s.
- 1997 - 1998 - assistant professor on Department of Food Preservation and Meat Technology
- 1999 - 2011 - associate profesor on Department of Food Preservation and Meat Technology
- 2012 till now - professor on Department of Food Preservation