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Assoc. Prof. Helena Čížková, MSc, PhD







+420 220 44 3014                                                                                    



Education and work experience:

 1987–1991 secondary school in Kralupy n. Vltavou

master degree studies, UCT Prague, 

specialisation: Food chemistry and analysis


PhD degree studies, UCT Prague,  

specialisation: Food Technology


assistant professor,

Department of Food Preservation, UCT Prague

 2014 till now

associate professor,

Department of Food Preservation, UCT Prague

Stays abroad:

 1996 The Queens University of Belfast
Department of Food Engineering (2 months)
 1998 Agrotechnical Research Institute (ATO-DLO) Wageningen (3 months)

Educational activities:

Bachelor Study Programme
 N963014  Bachelor Project
Master Study Programme
 N324029 Food traceability and authenticity
 N324028 Principles of Food Preservation
 N322021 Food process chemistry
 N352004 Special project in Food Technology programme
 N963008 Diploma Thesis
 S324026 Food Packaging and Preservation
 S324029 Food Traceability and Authenticity
PhD Study Programme
 D324001 Principles of Food Preservation
  PhD Thesis


Laboratory methods for  food authenticity evaluation, their implementation in practice in collaboration with official authorities
Evaluation of changes of sensory and nutritionally important substances during production and storage of food, shelf life prediction procedures
Instrumental methods in detecting taints and off-flavours, practical solutions to support food industry

Other activities:

 1997–1999 A member of Faculty Academic Senate (student)
 2001 till now Specialist in Independent packaging laboratory, accredited as testing laboratory No. 1316 by Czech Accreditation Institute according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025
 2007 till now A member of Faculty Academic Senate (staff)


Rajchl A., Prchalova J., Kružík V., Ševčík R., Čížková H.: Evaluation of ice-tea quality by DART-TOF/MS. J. Mass Spectrom. 50, 1214-1221 (2015). IF 2,379.

Grégrová A., Kružík V., Vrácovská E., Rajchl A., Čížková H.: Evaluation of factors affecting crystallization of disparate set of multi-flower honey samples. Agron.

Kapci B., Neradová E., Čížková H., Voldřich M., Rajchl A., Capanoglu E.: Investigating the antioxidant potential of chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) products. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 52, 219-229, IF 0,600

Grégrová A., Čížková H., Bulantová I., Rajchl A., Voldřich M.: Characteristics of Garlic of the Czech origin. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 31, 581-588, 2013. IF 0,685

Cusimamani F. E., Rajchl A., Lachman A., Čížková H, Kvasnicka F., Kotikova Z., Milellad L., Voldřich M.: Impact of yacon landraces cultivated in the Czech Republic and thein ploidy on the short- and long-chain fructooligosaccharides content in tuberous roots, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 54 (1): 80-86, 2013. IF 2,546

Rajchl A., Drgová L., Grégrová A., Čížková H., Ševčík R., Voldřich M.: Rapid determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by DART ionization with time-of flight mass spektrometry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405 (14): 4737-4745, 2013. IF 3,659

Rajchl A., Čížková H., Ševčík R., Jodasová A., Voldřich M.: Analytical data for plum paste as a tool for evaluation of plum paste authenticity, Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 52(1): 71-78, 2013. IF 0,600

Čížková H., Rajchl A., Šnebergrová J., Voldřich M.: Filbertone as the Marker for the Assessment of Hazelnut Spread Quality, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 31(1): 81-87, 2013. IF 0,685

Čížková H., Ševčík R., Rajchl A., Pivoňka J., Voldřich M.: Trendy v autenticitě potravin a v přístupech k detekci falšování, Chemické listy, 106(10): 903-910, 2012. IF 0,453

Šnebergrová J., Čížková H., Rajchl A., Ševčík R., Voldřich M.: Evaluation of aroma restoration of apple and orange juices from concentrates in the Czech Republic, Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 51(3): 156-163, 2012, IF 0,600

Grégrová A., Čížková H., Mazáč J., Voldřich M.: Authenticity and quality of spirit vinegar: Methods for detection of synthetic acetic acid addition, Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 51(3): 2012. IF 0,600

Čížková H., Janotová L., Voldřich M., Šnebergrová J., Rajchl A.: Survey study of frying oils used by food services in the Czech Republic, Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 50(3): 177-181, 2011. IF 0,600

Janotová L., Čížková H., Pivoňka J., Voldřich M.: Effect of processing of apple puree on patulin content, Food Control, 22(6): 977-881, 2011. IF 2,738

Rajchl A., Voldřich M., Čížková H., Hronová M., Ševčík R., Dobiáš J., Pivoňka J.: Stability of nutritionally important compounds and shelf life prediction of tomato ketchup, Journal of Food Engineering, 99(4): 465-470, 2010. IF 2,276

Rajchl A., Čížková H., Voldřich M., Lukešová D., Panovská Z.: Methoxypyrazines in Sauvignon blanc wines, detection of addition of artificial aroma, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 27(4), 259-266, 2009. IF 0,685

Votavová L., Dobiáš J., Voldřich M., Čížková H.: Migration of nonylphenols from polymer packaging materials into food simulants, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 27(4): 293-299, 2009. IF 0,685

Votavová L.,Voldřich M., Ševčík R., Čížková H., Mlejnecká J., Stolař M., Fleisman T.: Changes of antioxidant capacity of robusta coffee during roasting, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 27(Sp.Iss.Sl): S49-S52, 2009. IF 0,685

Rajchl A., Čížková H., Voldřich M., Jirušková M. Ševčík R.: Evaluation of shelf life and heat treatment of tomato products, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 27(Sp.Iss.Sl): S130-S133, 2009. IF 0,685

Čížková H., Ševčík R., Rajchl A., Voldřich M.: Nutritional quality of commercial fruit baby food, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 27(Sp.Iss.Sl): S134-S137, 2009. IF 0,685

Voldřich M., Rajchl A., Ševčík R., Čížková H., Cuhra P.: Detection of foreign enzyme addition into the adulterated honey, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 27(Sp.Iss.Sl): S280-S282, 2009. IF 0,685

Čížková H., Voldřich M., Ševčík R., Pivoňka J.: Off-flavour defects of packed waters and soft drinks, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 27(Sp.Iss.Sl): S379-S381, 2009. IF 0,685

Čížková́ H., Voldřich M., Mlejnecká J., Kvasnička F.: Authenticity evaluation of tea-based products, Czech Journal of Food Sciences 26 (4): 259-267, 2008. IF 0,685

Čížková H., Soukupová V., Voldřich M., Ševčík R.: Differentiation of coffee varieties according to their sterolic profile, Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 46 (1): 28-34, 2007. IF 0,600

Čížková H., Prokorátová V., Voldřich M., Kvasnička, F., Soukupová, V.: Determination of egg content in pasta, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 22 (6): 197-203, 2004. IF 0,685

Čížková H., Voldřich M., Prokorátová V., Šurkovská, M., Soukupová, V., Kvasnička, F.: Determination of egg yolk content in egg liqueurs, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 22, 9-16, 2004. IF 0,685

Updated: 8.6.2016 14:36, Author: Lukáš Vápenka

University of Chemistry and Technology
Technická 3
166 28 Prague 6 - Dejvice

The University is situated in the northwest direction of metro station Dejvická, near Vítězné náměstí in Prague 6.

The University occupies three buildings in Dejvice (see the map):
Building A - Technická 5
Building B - Technická 3 (Department of Food Preservation)
Building C - Studentská 6
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